Tuesday, October 12, 2010


A crochet project is completed *phew*. I have been procrastinating. It is actually a project that could have been completed within a-day (a few hours for experienced crocheter) but it took me 2 weeks. 

The right is smaller than the left by the way. Well, I would still
say that its not bad...not bad at all

Last Saturday I did some miniature gardening with E. Basically what we did was to collect weeds and built a setting for his dinosaurs.
Dino hiding amongst the trees...the bottle was supposed to be
a volcano :p
Well...Baby T was more interested than E at the end of the day
and played with the dinosaurs instead
Top view - E was such a 'princess' even though he is a he...

Crafty Mary

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Too Many Projects...None Finished

I have started at least 3 projects and all of them are incomplete. There's the Starling handbag and then there's the crocheted ballerina slippers (only the right side is finished) and a miniature kitchen from a DIY kit. There's of course the blanket that is still nowhere to be seen. Crafty Mary is really way behind schedule and I bought new fabric! Sigh...

Wednesday, September 1, 2010


Made an Ally over the weekend with the blue FQ tiny elephant print fabric that I bought earlier from Whimsy Loft. As it was only a FQ, I needed another material to match this to get a whole Ally. Chose a blue background polka dot fabric bought from Craftworld (Yee's Button House).

Polka Dot Ally - I made her for a 4-yr old girl that still goes 
around sucking a pacifier. So there is a pocket for her to keep 
the pacifier.

The other side of Ally - Teeny weeny elephant print on her body.

All handsewn...phew! Should really get the sewing machine.

The one thing I hate...was the button that I made
for its tail. Oh well...

Monday was a quiet day in the office. Since it was the eve of Merdeka Day, a lot of them took off to get a wonderful 4-day weekend. Since the office was quiet and I had nothing to do and since I was fasting, went out for loooong lunch break i.e. shopping. But all I bought was this book....

I wonder when will I start with any of the projects.

Crafty Mary

Sunday, August 15, 2010

I finally completed the order of 40pcs of elephants at 4.45am on 8 August. Phew! Lucky for me the baby shower was held  later that evening and not in the morning. And, out of excitement or tiredness, I completely forgot to take a picture of the finished product!

These instead were taken on Wednesday, 4 August @ 12am. 
There were only 15 then and boy was I panicking. There was only
one completed (the top yellow one with the black ears) and the
rest were ear-less and tail-less.

The fasting month started on 11 August. Things at work has been slow. Since I'm fasting, I get to go back at 5.30pm or maybe earlier. But coming to work in the morning is a killer. Weekend is the time for us to relax at home, since the weather has been unkind - it happens every Ramadan. I suppose its a test of patience.

Made a pillow for the Baby Foo on Saturday. Wanted to make a bolster but since I don't know how, made a long rectangular pillow for him instead. I named the pillow the 'Choot-Choot (pacifier) Pillow' as there is a pocket at the front for him to safely keep his pacifier in. I know I shouldn't be encouraging his pacifier habit. But you have not seen him losing his temper when he doesn't get his pacifier!

This is Baby Foo's elder brother's pillow. He got upset that I 
made one for Baby Foo but not him. So Sunday I had to make
one for him. No pictures of the original 'Choot-Choot Pillow'.

Since I don't have a sewing machine, it took me like 1 and 1/2 hours to hand sew everything together. I'm sure with a machine, it would have been much faster and I can make 3 within the same amount of time. Oh well...

Crafty Mary

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

The Purchases

Last week I bought and bought and bought craft supplies. Lucky for me I managed to find local online craft suppliers as I was contemplating to order from the international ones. Phew!

Here are some of the stuff bought *hearts*

Rainbow flannel from LivBeii, small elephant print FQ from
WhimsyLoft and button tool, also from WhimsyLoft

I was too lazy to take pictures of the other stuff bought from Yee Button House in SS2.

Crafty Mary

Monday, August 2, 2010

40 Elephants by Sunday!

A friend of mine threw me a challenge yesterday - to produce 40 elephants by Sunday! This is how it started:

Friend: "Mary, do you know where I can get those rings for key chains?"
Me: "Umm...from craft shop or stationery shops I suppose. I can check with the shops near my house."
Friend: "OK. I need 40 of those. And, do you think you can make 40 of your elephants?"
Me: "What? You know right, they don't pop out from the oven? It's not like baking 40 elephant cookies =_____="
Friend: "Yah."
Me: "OK lah. But they better be small ones."

So there, it is now 2.37pm and I am at my day job. I have Friday night to complete the job as Sunday is the event day actually. So the 40 babies need to be packed and delivered by Saturday in actual fact. In any case, Mary is up for it and will be burning the midnight oil.

Wish me luck!

Crafty Mary

Sunday, July 25, 2010


I have not completed anything at all. From my crochet afghan to my craft swap item. I thought I would do something over the weekend but instead of doing something, I curled up on the bed and slept most of the weekend. *Sigh* A bad habit that I really need to kick. Lucky that I do not make these things to sell or I would not be selling anything at all! 

Time to pick up the paces and roll out these things soon.

Crafty Mary